How Often Should Ecommerce Stores Send Out Newsletters?

A very common question that we get about email marketing is what the right frequency is to send out emails.

When we know more about your products, industry and your target audience, we can answer that question very specifically. But generally, I encourage store owners to follow this rule of thumb:

Send out something interesting at least once per week.

Run a special offer or promotion. Spotlight a single product or collection. Teach them something interesting related to your product/industry. Share a recent photo or video from your Instagram feed.


A very distorted assumption in ecommerce is that an email should be tied to a big promotion or product launch.

It doesn’t. Stay top-of-mind and don’t let your competitors win the headspace of your customers.

I’ve also witnessed an added benefit to this: holding to this once per week rule not only keeps your list active, it stretches and sharpens your team’s abilities to crank out good content and to think creatively for how to showcase your products.

Need ideas? Spend 10 minutes every Monday browsing through inspiration at

Stuck and need some help brainstorming or coming up with an editorial calendar for your email list? Get in touch and we’ll learn more about your business to offer very actionable advice.

Free resources to jumpstart your eCommerce success

eBook: The Ultimate Retailer’s Guide to SEO

DIY Canva Templates: Professional Homepage Graphics in 5 Minutes

Email Templates: Essential Emails That Sell on Autopilot

Guidebook: Powerhouse Tools and Apps for Shopify Retailers

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